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Miss Julia's Journey


Writer's picture: Julia FröhlichJulia Fröhlich

Today I explored infographics, how to use them in the classroom, and how to create them. Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge that are intended to efficiently and clearly communicate complex information. Infographics present information in a variety of ways, including graphs, charts, maps, and pictures. Students can learn and practice essential science literacy skills by interpreting, evaluating, and creating infographics.

For one of my current assignment, I am creating a unit planner about cultural similarities and differences.

I used Canva and word to create 3 Infographics.

The first infographic will help engage students at the beginning of the Unit.

This map will be used to showcase how our cultural differences are interconnected. The students will discuss and identify different cultural aspects shown on the map and will group them. The students will then share their background knowledge about culture and will have the chance to share aspects of their cultural identity. The students will be told that at the end of the Unit, the class will create their own map, which might increase the students’ motivation and excitement for the Unit.

Additionally, I created an infographic to represent information I want students to learn within the Unit. Using this infographic will be one of the choices students will be provided to gain information on the topic. The infographic will also be made available on the computer and students will be able to listen to the text in each section of the infographic. This helps students who struggle reading. The students are also encouraged to support each other understanding and reading the infographic.

As part of a formative assessment task students have the choice to use these infographics to express their understanding. Students may conduct interviews to learnmore about another peer’s culture. The students create an infographic using this template about their peers’ culture and create and infographic about their own culture and identify how their culture identities are similar and different. Students will be asked to visualise the information through drawing or by choosing Canva graphics. This can be done individually or with a partner and the students can use the 'Cultural Identity' - infographic to help them.

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